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Luxury on the water: staying on the right track with yacht management
Blog Article
Owning a yacht is often seen as a sign of luxury and freedom, offering unique experiences on the open water. However, the reality of yacht management involves navigating complex challenges that require careful planning, reliable partnerships, and a proactive approach to maintenance and operations, so that guests and owners can experience the luxury they’re looking for. In this blog we discuss these challenges and identify key strategies to help with the management of your yacht operations and therefore, uphold the luxury that has come to be expected of this pastime.
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Technology shaping accuracy and precision in the lab
Blog Article
From the development of pharmaceuticals to the testing of hospital samples, laboratory facilities have a huge role to play in our everyday lives. No matter the type of laboratory, whether that’s private, government or education, lab teams are relied on to conduct important research and analysis. For this to happen, technicians need access to equipment and supplies that can support all the processes that take place.
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Medicine, dentistry and veterinary care
A glimpse into the future of dental care
Blog Article
The world of dentistry is on the brink of a technological transformation that promises to revolutionise the way we approach oral health. As we move into the future, cutting-edge technologies are primed and ready to reshape efficiencies and practices within the dental industry. This technology will play a significant role in offering innovative solutions to improve patient care, streamline processes and improve the industry as a whole. As we explore the exciting advancements that await the dental profession, we’ll delve into the potential impacts they could have on both dental practitioners as well as their patients.
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Care and Education
Tech-forward approach to care
Blog Article
With an increasing ageing population, there is a growing demand for people requiring long-term care in care homes and nursing facilities. However, one of the biggest challenges facing the care sector is a shortage of staff, especially as the number of people in care increases. So, how can we balance the need for good quality of care with increasing demand?
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Events and Showrooms
A hand with a cokctail glass in it at the railing of a ship. The sea can be seen in the background.
September 13, 2024

The EDDS's NorthWest Dental Exposition (NWDE) is among the largest single-day dental trade shows in Canada. 




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