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Care and Education
How can tomorrow’s carer support quality of life?
Blog Article
Tomorrow’s carer will have a huge role to play in the quality of life of future residents. But what training and skills they need to achieve this? Read more.
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Care and Education
Quality of life – Keeping residents mentally and physically stimulated
Blog Article
In care homes throughout the world, we know that there is always a great need for enrichment, both mentally and physically. The benefits of stimulation are seemingly endless from preventing cognitive decline to an increase in mood, but what activities are there to help our elderly have the best quality of life?
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Care and Education
The importance of senses in creating quality of life
Blog Article
Moving from independent living into a care home can be a worrying and confusing experience for some elderly people. Leaving behind all the home comforts can create a sense of loss and loneliness which can be hard to deal with. For a care home, its staff and for the families of residents, there are some simple but very effective steps that can be taken to reduce the stress and make a resident feel more comfortable from day one.
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Care and Education
How care facilities contribute to quality of life
Blog Article
What does quality of life actually mean? It really depends on who you speak to. For example, a manager of a care facility might view quality of life as being about accreditations, a member of staff may believe it’s about one-to-one time with residents and a resident might view it as the social interaction they have with other residents.
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A hand with a cokctail glass in it at the railing of a ship. The sea can be seen in the background.
September 13, 2024

The EDDS's NorthWest Dental Exposition (NWDE) is among the largest single-day dental trade shows in Canada. 




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