Large-capacity laboratory glasswashers

Increased performance, user-friendliness and security: Large-chamber laboratory glasswashers convince by virtue of their analytically clean reprocessing results and high capacities.

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Learn more about our large-capacity laboratory glasswashers

360PRO for your laboratory

Taking care of everything

With 360PRO Miele Professional offers a comprehensive package of solutions for the effective and economical reprocessing of laboratory glassware. Based on many years of experience and developed in close consultation with experts in the field, our solutions cover all the major aspects of reprocessing: powerful machines, perfectly integrated process chemicals, customer service, and application advisory service. Technology and know-how come from the same source and therefore are perfectly integrated with each other. The result is an analytically pure, particularly seamless, gentle, and economical reprocessing process. And administration time is optimized too, since Miele is always at your side as an expert partner in all matters.
Perfectly integrated chemical agents

Flawless results

As well as the appliance technology and the reprocessing program, the chemical agents are a critical factor in the cleaning and disinfecting process. Their task is challenging. Soiling must be effectively removed and germs deactivated, whilst the items to be reprocessed - e.g. top-quality laboratory glassware - should be treated as gently as possible. Miele Professional provides specific powerful cleaning, neutralization and rinsing agents for users in laboratories. All the chemicals are perfectly coordinated with the different materials and to Miele Professional's laboratory glassware washers. For this reason Miele Professional is recommended for reprocessing by the leading instrument and glassware manufacturers.
Designed for perfect results

The ultimate in innovation

For more than 60 years Miele Professional has been developing high-quality systems for the cleaning and disinfection of medical and dental instruments, laboratory glassware, and for industrial parts cleaning. During this time, we have become one of the world’s market leaders not merely because of our high quality requirements. Our excellent reputation is also based on our outstanding innovative strength. The engineers at Miele Professional will continue to invest a lot of time and energy in improvements and new developments that will drive forward the whole reprocessing field in the future in the dental, medical, laboratory, and industrial areas – all to the benefit of the user.