Two hands in gloves hold surgical instruments.

Recommended solutions for hospitals and clinics

Variation of different cleaning and disinfection devices and a tabletop steriliser.

Medical technology solutions for hospitals and clinics

Miele Professional washer-disinfectors guarantee exceptional performance, efficiency and safety when it comes to cleaning and disinfecting medical instruments. Flexible combinations of baskets and inserts enable the highest throughput. The interaction of the washing mechanism, process chemicals and specialized reprocessing programs such as Vario TD Instruments guarantee excellent results. Active DryPlus hot air drying with HEPA filtration is the solution for drying even the most intricate instruments.



Four grey washing machines and dryers in front of a dark background.

Laundry technology solutions for hospitals and clinics

Little Giants from Miele ensure simple logistics in a closed in-house system, removing the risk of contamination through open transportation to contract laundries. Furthermore, special disinfection cycles contribute toward compliance with the relevant workwear guidelines for hygienic reprocessing of medical clothing. Efficient washing and drying cycles also ensure that clean clothing is once again available for use in the surgery without any delay. The disinfection wash cycle is also continuously monitored in order to guarantee hygienic cleaning and disinfection results at all times. And the Little Giants from Miele also excel in terms of their ability to wash smaller batches of laundry cost-effectively.

White kitchenette with integrated white dishwasher and crockery on the work surface.

Dishwashing technology solutions for hospitals and clinics

To allow your employees to focus entirely on the job in hand, Miele Professional dishwashers are a welcome and valuable addition in the staff room. With short program running times, ProfiLine dishwashers achieve top-class results fast. Optimum wash cycles and special-purpose ProCare Shine detergents reduce the consumption of valuable resources such as water and energy to a minimum, thereby increasing economic efficiency in your office. A high level of hygiene is essential in guaranteeing the protection of your staff. In the “Hygiene” program, high temperatures in the main wash and rinse cycle ensure optimum results.

Find out more about our system concept for this industry

Guests in hotels and restaurants not only expect perfect service, but also hygienically cleaned and well-kept laundry for maximum comfort. Miele Professional has developed the system solution for hotels and restaurants based on many years of experience.